Sunday, September 18, 2016

Social Networking Vs Socializing

Dear Reader,

Let's discuss about Social Networking and it's implications on Socializing.

I normally take the office bus everyday in the morning. When I get in, I can see most of my colleagues hooked to their phones busy texting, tweeting and doing other cool stuff. A very few of them look up to see who boarded the bus and a even fewer smile.

When I reach office, during break hours I can see the same thing happening. People are busy sharing videos, interesting messages and liking pictures. The same amazing thing can be seen happening almost anywhere - Restaurants, Coffee Bars, Airports, Railway Stations etc. We can also this phenomenon at parties and even at home.

What amazes me is the fact that all this technology and social networking is just present since the last couple of decades. What used to happen to people before that ?

Let me tell you what used to happen when I was a kid. When I used to get in school bus, me and my friends used to jump around and laugh all the time. We used to tell stories about He-Man and Spider Man and Tom and Jerry.

When we used to go in a train we would make friends during the journey. We would chat and smile even at total strangers. We used to discuss why we loved Bollywood Heroes more than other films because nobody could kill a Bollywood hero with any amount of bullets :-) And how they could drive almost anything from a cycle, car, to even a helicopter or a jet plane.

Even though there are people around us why do we choose to ignore them for people on phones ? We keep hearing in all places about the term Live in the Moment. Are we doing that by ignoring those who are around us ?

I will say that try to make some real friends. Try to smile at real people. When we do that we immediately feel good and warm. Even though Social Networking is good but we need to limit it's use. We need to remember that after all we are social beings. We need not depend on a App for helping us to do that. We need to remember that maybe those around us really need us and we can spend some time with them.

With Love,

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