Welcome back!!! It's great to see you again. The winter is just getting colder each day in Bangalore. I hope you are all sitting snugly in your homes while reading this article. Today, I am writing about an Effective Strategy to write your exams.
As a school boy I was always afraid of Maths. Maths was always like an enigma. During my tenth standard mid year examinations, I scored very less marks in Maths. Although I was a good student I could manage to score only around 48 marks out of 100. I was very disturbed and discussed about my performance with my mom. My mom was always my first teacher. She always tried to help me and try to coach me and guide me. She asked me if I had not prepared well. I said that I had prepared decently but somehow I could not bring my preparation to the paper. So, she told me few guidelines to answer any examination which I found very useful throughout my career. So, today I want to share this technique with you all with the hope that you will also be benefited by this useful methodology to answer your exam papers.
The guidelines are as follows:
1. Wear a watch and make sure it matches with the time of the examination hall: This is the most crucial part. Time is the most important asset in an examination hall. Every student must make sure that their time is matching with the examination hall time. The exam bill rings at the start and the end of the exam. Also, the bell rings half an hour before the exam completion. But, it is important for every student to keep a tab on the amount of time which goes into answering each question. And, so the student must keep monitoring the time after answering every question.
2. Go through the entire question paper before writing the exam: Every student should go through the entire question paper quickly. A quick glance goes a long way to help the student to judge how many questions he/she is able to answer easily. It also gives a sense of confidence and the student is able to understand the marks pattern.
3. Always start by answering the easiest questions first: Always try to answer the easiest questions first. Remember that the grader takes only 2-5 minutes to check the whole paper. So, you have to impress the grader by leaving a good first impression. This means that the first few questions that you answer must be the ones that you are 100% confident. Never ever begin the exam with an answer that you are not sure of. Try to leave a good first impression so that grader develops confidence that this is a good student.
4. Don't go by the order of questions in the question paper: You can answer the questions in any order. Never go by the order of the questions in the question paper if you are not certain with some of the questions. Let us say, that your question paper has eight questions. If each question were to be divided into three parts say a,b and c. If you start answering with the question 3a and if you are not sure of the answers of 3b and 3c just jump to the next answer that you are sure of answering properly like 5c.
5. Don't spend too much time in answering one question: Most students get stuck with a question and waste too much time on it. So, avoid this mistake and always answer the questions which you are most comfortable with. If you get stuck with one question then just mark as Continued on Page at the bottom of your answer. After you have completed answering all your paper and if you have time left then try to answer this question. Remember to mark the page as Continued from Page on the page from which you start answering the question.
6. Keep your answers crisp and to the point: No one likes big stories. Always try to answer in points and bullets. Highlight the important words.
7. Keep a neat handwriting: A neat handwriting is always important. I never had a good handwriting in my school so I know how difficult it is for the examiners to correct the paper. It took me a great effort to considerably improve my handwriting. To those with a bad handwriting my advise is to practice handwriting every day. Try to write each letter separately rather than joint handwriting. This is so that the words are clear to the grader.
8. Try to answer the whole paper: When you have finished answering all the known questions it is time to answer the unknown ones. Try to use your imagination and best guesses based on the few words you may have caught in your class (provided you were not sleeping or bunking them). You never know how lucky you may get. Also, try to answer the question with maximum marks first. So, you can at least hope that the grader might show some mercy and grant you one or two marks for your effort.
9. Keep a relaxed mindset before and after the exam: Keep your cool before the exam. Don't be nervous. Try not to lose focus by discussing the paper with your friends after the exam. Remember that you may end up feeling negative after a single bad exam and may end up spoiling the rest of the exams as well. Always have a positive outlook and remain calm and confident.
I hope these points will help you to tackle your exams confidently.
With Love,